Plantd Materials has developed an alternative product to traditional oriented strand board (OSB), a product used in construction to line walls and floors. The company has developed machinery that uses heat to press shredded perennial grass into panels as opposed to traditionally using timber.
According to Plant’d Materials, traditional manufacturers need 140 to 150,000 acres of managed timberland to feed a medium-size OSB mill, while mills using perennial grass will be able to function on 15 to 20,000 acres. “So it creates an opportunity to capture more carbon using less land, and because it regrows on the same land year after year we are able to do it much faster.”
Location – America
Photo Credit – Plantd. Inc.
Plantd Materials has developed an alternative product to traditional oriented strand board (OSB), a product used in construction to line walls and floors. The company has developed machinery that uses heat to press shredded perennial grass into panels as opposed to traditionally using timber.
According to Plant’d Materials, traditional manufacturers need 140 to 150,000 acres of managed timberland to feed a medium-size OSB mill, while mills using perennial grass will be able to function on 15 to 20,000 acres. “So it creates an opportunity to capture more carbon using less land, and because it regrows on the same land year after year we are able to do it much faster.”
Location – America
Photo Credit – Plantd. Inc.